Day 19 - June 30 - TRONDHEIM

Today's excursion to the Statsarkivet (State Archives) in Trondheim was certainly interesting. The photo below is the building the archives are in.  The Germans built it during WWII and it is studded with rebar. The allies tried to bomb it but couldn't destroy it so they left it and it is now used for the archives. I love this strange and seemingly random historical fact (the taxi driver told me this by the way).

Statsarkivet in Trondheim

Statsarkivet in Trondheim

I did NOT find the information I had hoped to find (death records) but found other important information. Hopefully the church administration in Hammerfest will find the missing records.

In a type of address book we found his address from when he lived and worked in Trondheim during 1934-35. He lived at Elvegt. 14, which I walked to after the archive visit (almost 2 miles).  He lived on the first floor but unfortunately th…

In a type of address book we found his address from when he lived and worked in Trondheim during 1934-35. He lived at Elvegt. 14, which I walked to after the archive visit (almost 2 miles).  He lived on the first floor but unfortunately the view was blocked by this construction bin.

This is the view from the apartment building above...I assume this house wasn't there in 1934, but you can see what a great view he had.

This is the view from the apartment building above...I assume this house wasn't there in 1934, but you can see what a great view he had.

Finally, the last piece of interesting information I found out was that my hotel is on the same street as the bank he worked in  - on Kongens gate - literally a 5 minute walk down the street.

The building still says Norges Bank - although now it is the Vitensenteret- the Trondheim Science Museum

The building still says Norges Bank - although now it is the Vitensenteret- the Trondheim Science Museum

Day 21 - July 2 - DRAMMEN

Day 18 - June 29 - TRONDHEIM