Day 8 - June 19 - OSLO

This morning I received a very interesting email from an archivist at the Trondheim city archive, who forwarded me quite a bit of information and I learned I have some work cut out for me at the archive in Tromsø. Check out the last sentence...

Located Storage:
The State Archives in Tromsø Archive:
Norges Bank, Hammerfest Department Affiliated actors Archives:
Norges Bank, Hammerfest DepartmentOther actors:
Contents The archive is organized by Norges Bank, which has picked up daily mail, notes and messages from the headquarters. The Hammerfest department was responsible for Banknote Settlements and the Riksinnskudd for Finnmark. Despite the fact that the material for District Development Funds could be shredded according to notice No. 32 - 1996, it has been selected. For government guaranteed loans in time before approx. In 1943 it was originally filed under State-guaranteed fishing loans, while recently it was organized by company name.

The archive is made up of 22 shelves.


Day 9 - June 20 - OSLO to HAMMERFEST

Day 7 - June 18 - EIKSETRA/DRAMMEN